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    The phrasebook for a novice customer at IT services: 10 essential topics

    The phrasebook for a novice customer at IT services: 10 essential topics

    The pandemic has definitely become a trigger to find new ways of running businesses and start the digital transformation.

    For example, IDC predicts that 52% of global GDP will be driven by “digitally transformed” enterprises by 2023.

    But if you have no experience and want to change your business, what terms should you know to be on the same page with your IT partner?

    A basic IT terminology glossary

    We have been developing custom software solutions since 2012 and have great experience in communicating and understanding our clients and their business needs. Our extensive background allows us to successfully guide our clients, especially novice customers, who need additional assistance.

    We have explained 10 terms that will help you speak the same language with software developers and other IT specialists.

    Discovery phase

    One of the first stages in the software development process is the discovery phase. Here we are immersed in your business challenge to have a deep understanding of the context, make and analyze software solution hypotheses.

    We determine goals to achieve during the development, specify business tasks, gather basic project requirements, create mockups, so on. All these activities help us prioritize tasks and gather the right team of specialists that will help you implement your idea throughout the whole software development lifecycle.

    During the discovery phase, all received information is processed to prepare project documents, architecture outline, and backlog for one or two first sprints of the project.

    Research & Development

    Research & Development is one of the key stages of creating new software solutions, which precedes the beginning of the development phase.

    The R&D specialists collect and analyze aspects that can have an impact on the project to optimize product development based on your wishes, budget limitations, and related risks.

    During the conducting R&D, the development team pays special attention to your target audience, analyzes your competitors, and tracks your current industry trends. After conducting such a detailed study of your project idea, the team decides whether to implement the idea and what is the best way to do it.


    MVP is the earliest version of the application that has basic functionality and important minimal functions.

    The goal of creating an MVP is to quickly launch a product based on your idea with a small budget. This approach allows you to check your product idea and plan future updates by minimizing errors and reducing development costs.

    Creating an MVP involves finding the right balance between what your business offers to users and what users really need.


    DevOps culture is based on the automation of application workflows and support for seamless development and deployment of complex software projects.

    Our DevOps engineers ensure stable work of your IT infrastructure, being in close cooperation with software developers and testers. We optimize software performance, maximize the efficiency and security of operational processes, and increase user satisfaction.

    Time & Material

    Time & Material is a cooperation model suitable for Agile development, especially for long-term projects. Our clients use this development approach when it is difficult to define the full project scope at the very beginning.

    The development process is divided into several iterations, during which you can modify your project requirements. The price is based on the results of every single iteration according to hourly rates and time spent by the Exposit employees.

    Fixed Price

    We recommend that you use the Fixed Price model if your project is small and you already have clear product requirements. Fixed Price is perfect for your project when you have a fixed budget and deadlines. Following this model, our team defines all stages of work, schedule, and cost in advance.

    Development Team

    If you need additional specific services to refine or extend the functionality of your project, Exposit can provide you with a team of professionals having the required technical skills and ready to join your project.

    Our team will be happy to help you realize the idea of any complexity. But in this case, the project development process and the team of engineers will be completely managed by your side.


    Exposit can develop your software project using the most suitable methodology for you and your business. For example, our experts have working experience with Agile frameworks, including Scrum, Lean, Kanban, FDD, TDD, and others, for dynamic software ideas combining flexibility and productivity.

    Software development life cycle with Agile is subdivided into iterations and sprints usually lasting 2-4 weeks. It gives a team the ability to review a single development cycle and respond to the arisen issues in time.


    Stakeholders in a software project are people or organizations who have their goals, desires, and biases about software implementation.

    Identification of key stakeholders allows you to find social connections, hidden dangers, and business prospects in a more accurate way. By the way, engaging key stakeholders in the early stages of development helps you build a strong communication strategy, meet primary requirements, and avoid time and money waste.

    All software project stakeholders can be divided into two groups: primary and secondary. Such classifying helps to prioritize the interests of groups involved in the project and improve decision-making.

    Data confidentiality

    Developing software with a reliable IT partner, you do not need to worry about the confidentiality of your data: qualified specialists value their professional integrity and fully respect the importance of not divulging your company’s trade secrets.

    Exposit works according to GDPR standards and never shares or misuse information about our clients or use it as references without getting their explicit approval in advance.

    Each and every member of our IT teams have signed a comprehensive non-disclosure agreement. That is why the confidentiality of your company’s information is fully protected by law.

    Cooperation with new clients

    Exposit appreciates cooperation with customers having a different experience in IT outsourcing. In case it is difficult for you to identify project requirements or to select a cooperation model due to little or no experience, we are ready to help you better understand your needs and choose the most suitable option.

    Contact us if you have an idea for a software development project and want to translate your desires into a strong software solution.
